Crazy Tomato Eaters Are A Real Threat…And They’re Not Going Away

Crazy Tomato Eaters Are A Real Threat…And They’re Not Going Away

Tomatoes are commonly seen around many a grocery store, restaurant, or garden. And to some, this may seem perfectly ordinary, perfectly usual, and no cause for alarm. But in reality, tomatoes are prisms of horribleness never meant for human consumption. What Are Tomatoes, Really? Tomatoes, though commonly perceived to be a member of the fruit…

The Meaning Of Life, As Told By Gilbert Ferdcyfull

The Meaning Of Life, As Told By Gilbert Ferdcyfull

Hi, you wonderful readers! I’m Gilbert Ferdcyfull, a professional journalist! And when I say professional, I really mean professional! In fact, I wrote a whole opinion piece on How To For Nitwits, called “The Best Way To Improve Brainpower Is Tacos!“ Anyways, enough about me! Let’s get onto the article! Well, really, this whole article…

The Best Way To Improve Brainpower Is Tacos

The Best Way To Improve Brainpower Is Tacos

The Best Way To Improve Brainpower Is Tacos: An Opinion Piece By Gilbert Ferdcyfull Have you ever noticed your brain is working a little bit slower than it should be? Don’t worry; it’s a common problem that many have. For that reason, tacos are the answer! Unfortunately, many have not heard of this wonderful cure…