Flaming Hot Jellybeans… The Newest Craze

Flaming Hot Jellybeans… The Newest Craze

In rural Mississippi, jellybeans are a food staple. In most families, children must eat at least 1 gallon of jellybeans a day, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Most of them enjoy the jellybeans, at least somewhat. But one of these children, Angelina Lambert, does not. “I hate jellybeans,” Angelina Lambert said. “But unfortunately, everyone in…

Inky “Sir Wonderful” Ankowski’s Tips And Tricks For Glory

Inky “Sir Wonderful” Ankowski’s Tips And Tricks For Glory

Inky “Sir Wonderful” Ankowski is well-known for his famous company, Luscious Richness. Because of this, many have asked him, “How are you so amazing?” and each time Inky answers with the same answer: “I’m me.” But now, the trillionaire cat has decided to do an honorable deed, and explain – really explain – how he…