A Yacht Found Is A Yacht Lost: Smudge’s Boat Reappears
The following is an update on the article previously written on howtofornitwits.com, titled “Trillionaire Cat Turns Over A New Leaf…And His Pathetic Child Misplaces It.” To fully understand this important story, be sure to read it first.
On March 20, 2022, the yacht bought by Inky “Sir Wonderful” Ankowski, then bequeathed to his son Smudge, but later lost by the latter, was found. In fact, the yacht was found in the harbor of Morro Bay, where its staff members were found partying and blasting loud music. To the surprise of many, the yacht did not get lost at all; the crew (completely made up of nitwits, I might add) steered it away from its harbor so that they could party and have the boat to themselves. One of these crew members was found to be none other than Gloria Goober, a very involved nitwit who previously commented on the howtofornitwits.com article, “A Group Of Nitwits Go Against How To For Nitwits!” She says,
“We have done nothing wrong here. We merely wanted to spite Sir Wonderful, and the best way to do that was to steal his million dollar boat.”
– Gloria Goober, a very opinionated nitwit
When Inky heard of the matter, he at first was hesitant. After all, Inky himself did not lose the yacht. Inky has a kind, large, and generous heart. It was Smudge’s fault for hiring such an unimaginably irresponsible crew. In fact, Inky was appalled to find out that Smudge directly interviewed all of the crew before hiring them, in which he required the crew to repeatedly tell him that he was better than Inky.
Inky discovered this astonishing fact after watching tapes of Smudge’s interview. (Smudge, being his usual self and not thinking things through, recorded everything that happened in the interviews and left the recordings in plain sight.) When Inky saw the tapes, he was shocked that his son could even think of being better than himself, the owner of Luscious Richness. In consequence for his actions, Smudge was given a serious punishment. His father took away the yacht for good, and grounded him for two weeks, scheduled to end on April 4th.
So the lesson is: next time someone buys you a 10 million dollar yacht, hire the right crew. Also, don’t ask them to tell you that you’re better than Inky. You’re not.
How scandalous!