How To For Nitwits!

How To For Nitwits is a generous, wonderful, amazing company devoted to helping the sad nitwits out there who need assistance in every part of daily life.

Isn’t that just wonderful?

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Are you a nitwit who needs help with daily life? Click here for all nitwit resources, whether it’s how to move, eat, speak, or more!

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Quizzes To End All Others

Are a nitwit? Find out here! is a fantabulous website, but what if you don’t know how to start? Take this quiz to find out if you’re a nitwit!

How To For Nitwits Trivia!

Are you a How To For Nitwits superfan? Take this quiz to find out just how well you know your facts!

Our Favorite Resources For The Modern Nitwit

How To For Nitwits: How To Move is necessary for all nitwits out there. This guide will help you learn how to move, with special insights from Professor Polly Porkman.

With How To For Nitwits: How To Eat, you can learn all the skills you need to consume and digest a variety of edible foods!

How To For Nitwits: How To Clean Your Room is a very important guide to teach more advanced nitwits the basic of cleanliness.